"There can be miracles when you believe..."
In June,
I was introduced to the work of Gabrielle Bernstein and read her books,
"Spirit Junkie" and "Add more -ing to your life"
("-ing" being her abbreviation for "inner guide") while
overseas in China. The books were a bright spot in a very challenging month
abroad, giving me a much-needed boost of encouragement in my determination to change the way I live by changing my perspective on life.
While in
New York City last weekend, I stayed with my friend Ali, a beautiful soul whom
I met on a retreat I went on at the end of August. On Friday night, she and I
went to an incredible talk by Gabrielle Bernstein called "Live in the
Know" in a beautiful church in the East Village. She's very petite, but on that stage she became larger than life, enrobed in white like an angel, (naturally, since this is in New York City, she was a really stylish angel). Her words were was
empowering, the closing meditation was moving, and after she finished speaking, we were able to get 15
precious seconds each to meet her and get books signed.
I had all
her books in e-book form, so I wasn't able to have her sign a book. But I'd
argue that what got signed was even better: I brought my Gratitude Journal,
where I've written 10 things for which I'm grateful in my life every day (with
maybe 1 or two blips) since the end of May. Pretty amazing stuff.
Aside from the books I read in China, Gabrielle has one more called "May Cause Miracles: A 40-Day Guidebook of Subtle Shifts for Radical Change and Unlimited Happiness." My friend and I have decided to go through the 40 days together and I decided that, in order to hold myself accountable for the daily journaling activities, I
will write my assignment on a blog. At the very least, it'll make for some interesting and honest posts, and maybe convince you to buy the book and go on your own miraculous odyssey.
So here we go: get ready to start the journey. fortydaysofmiracles.blogspot.com