“We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.”—Chuck Palahniuk
Here’s a sampling of podcasts, articles, and miscellaneous creative artifacts I’ve been featured in or proud of over the years.
Reel Rolling (December 2023) (Spotify)
Jose Navarro, director, filmmaker, and fellow BJJ training partner and I talk about martial arts, the creative process, and what it takes to pursue a road-less-traveled.
Joe Hannan, BJJ Black Belt, writer, podcaster, and Peak Performance Consultant and I talk about my jiu-jitsu backstory, jiu-jitsu as a means for personal and professional development, and, ahead of a major tournament, managing training and expectations for performance as an older competitor
Childhood classmates and karate training partners, Jonathan Cohen and I talk about my transition from ‘gold star’ student and karate kid to cross-country traveler, full-time writer, and jiu-jitsu competitor.
BJJ Coach and bon vivant, John Clarke, and I discuss the nature of sacrifice, lesson learned living on the road, and what it takes to quit the rat race and chase something no one understands but you.
Jane Zhang and I talk about quitting the technology industry, the full-time pursuit of writing, and “The Ultimate Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Road Trip” to train, compete, and learn from the best in BJJ across the United States.
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